
Bad Boy Bloggers: Four Stories of Technology Disruptors


People like Tim Cook, Satay Nadal, Sundar Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg are household names, who bring the wonders of technology to our homes. Be it a Srini or your favorite show on Netflix we are a generation born on 2G 3G 4G and 5G. A world whose attention is transfixed to their personal phone, the youth gaze at it for almost all their needs. Now with the advent of PayPal and Paytm we transact only digitally, we buy and sell crypto currencies around the globe, I am sure you all have heard of Bitcoin and other crypto currency brands working on Block Chain technology. These Virtual currencies are defining and breaking new trends in the way we look at money itself. AI is tapping into our lives analyzing our behavior and throwing up just the right ads that are meant for us to see. There is no sphere where technology has not engulfed our lives now and after the Pandemic, this trend will only grow.

Razdan Ka Pagal Khana


Dr. Sushil Razdan is a well-renowned Phycologist and Psychoanalyst who resides in the desert city of Jaisalmer. He runs his mental hospital and research facility, meeting patients at his house and working on them in his private hospital built above his house. He has a weird assistant by the name of Tika who specializes in injecting serum into the veins of his many mad patients suffering from depression, mental illness, and even drug addiction. There is a nurse Sister Martha a Christian lady and of course his receptionist a young Girl called Jhum Jhum as she loves wearing colorful earrings or Jhumka’s.

हा सर, मैंने अपने बाप को मारा !


Assassinating Modi


Yes Sir I killed My Mom !: The Mommy Killer


Mrs Diksha Kapoor was a socialite dazzling and galavanting in high society parties of Mumbai. Her Husband Dhruv Kapoor is a very successful plastic. Surgeon famous amongst the Bollywood stars and cricket celebrities. He can make ugly faces look inviting and beautiful. Now in their early fifties they have a teenage son Tarun Kapoor and a loving daughter Tara Kapoor, both study in one of the best schools on Mumbai called Bishop Cotton school run by another famous socialite Shabnam Sood who is a close family friend an confidant of the family But things are going to turn on their head when Mrs Diksha Kapoor falls in love with the famous and dashing cricketing great Zaheer Raja who is twenty years younger then her.
The trauma is too much for Dhruv Kapoor to take when he sees his beloved wife in bed with the celebrity cricketer. He has a show down with his wife and in a fit of rage and shame takes his own life by hanging himself to the celling. The world of a happy family turns upside down as there is another killing that of Diksha Kapoor herself her body cut up and slashed by large Korean knives her belly slit open and her blood spattered on the wall. The murder creates a sensation in the Mumbai socialite circle and the tabloid media along with the 24/7 news channels go berserk covering the killing calling it the Mommy Murders. All fingers point to one person the son of the now dead Mrs Diksha Kapoor,Dhruv Kapoor. Read on as the murders are investigated by the top cop of Mumbai Police Inspector Suraj Kumar and his alcoholic assistant an ex professor of psychology who calls himself Zen.

Nineteen 十九: A Pandemic’s Tale


Nineteen is a Novel which traces the journey of Four main characters Yamini Kaul the head of a startup BioTech company called BioFizz as she struggles to find a vaccine for the COVID 19 virus . The story is based in the back drop of the COVID -19 Pandemic in Mumbai . Zubeda Parker a upright and ethical reporter who covers the pandemic through her unique story angles at grave personal risk for her news Channel GoodMorning news . Sanjeev Gupta who is a co-founding partner in the company grapples with his own inner fear and claustrophobia as he attempts to take Bio Fizz to an IPO after the pandemic is over . Above all it is the tale of Danpani the Srilankan Mystcal monk who is out on a quest to save humanity , but as his master told him his fate is such that his Glory goes hand in hand with his doom .Will the company BioFizz find the mercurial vaccine cure and above all will the prophecy of Dalpani’s master Kalpani come true . Read on and find out as city and the entire world grapples with a disease that has no cure and the nearest cure is attest an year away . As humanity stays locked in doors and contemplates it’s fate , will the species survive the virus attack , find out more as you flip the pages of this exciting novel.

Wali Sahab Nahi Rahe – An Ordinarily Extraordinary Life


This book is the author’s tribute to an old and quirky friend named Arun Wali. A journalist, travel and poetry enthusiast, and the father of Rahul Wali, a dear friend of the author from his MBA days, Arun Wali was a unique individual.

काल की कैद में – एक सीरियल किलर अब अंडर ट्रायल है


पुस्तक "काल की कैद में" "यस सर, मैंने अपने पिता को मारा" श्रृंखला का एक हिस्सा है और यह श्रृंखला का सातवां भाग है। इस पुस्तक में लेखक जेल में सीरियल किलर विजय पलांडे के जीवन की खोज करता है, पहले तलोजा जेल में और फिर आर्थर रोड जेल में, जहां उसे पांच साल बाद स्थानांतरित किया गया। यह व्यक्ति अपनी अपराधों के लिए बारह साल से अधिक समय तक जेल में बिता चुका है, एक हत्या का दोषी साबित होने और अन्य तीन मामलों का मुकदमा झेलने के बावजूद, हम उसकी आंखों के माध्यम से जेल जीवन की खोज करते हैं और भारत की जेल प्रणाली और इसके कई कैदियों के जीवन की झलक पाते हैं।

Rabinder Nath Tegore’s Getanjali a hundred year old Russian Edition


Rabindranath Tagore FRAS was an Indian poet, writer, playwright, composer, philosopher, social reformer, and painter of the Bengal Renaissance. He reshaped Bengali literature and music as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Mongolia – The Land of Changez


I stayed in Ger’s and took camel rides in the desserts of Mongolia, along with a tour guide called Ogi. So read on about my travels to Mongolia.

Nino Of Georgia – My Travels To Georgia


Nino is the most common name for a girl in Georgia and Nino means a pious and godly woman. So read on about my travels through this orthodox Christian country.

Pischach Mochan Mandir Ke Jinn – The Possession Continues


The story of Arvind Prakash with his friend Shiv Swarup continues as they eagerly await the Pooja and Ritual ceremony, this time Shabnam, a love interest of Arvind, is also accompanying them in their mission to tame the Jinn of The Pipal tree and get him to de possess Arvind's body and finally heal his penis. Will the Aghodi Baba be able to perform his occult magic? Just read on.