My books are selling on most major platforms which include google play and stores, iTunes,, Barnes and Noble, Ingram Spark and through Partridge Penguin books. For audiobooks, I have an exclusive deal with who also retail my audiobooks through itunes.
For royalty payments to be made make sure you tie in all the back end payment mechanisms. I have a separate bank account for my ebooks business. My royalty from comes directly into this company’s current account. For foreign currency payments from say Ingram Spark and the money come sin dollars through Paypal and then is transferred into my account directly. I have received a royalty from google play and Ingram sparks so far.
Audible the payment of royalty sales comes directly to my UK bank account since audible can payout royalty only in a limited 5 or 6 countries. Make sure your tax details and all scanned id proofs have been submitted to the platforms along with your TIN and Pan card details. This is a must along with Aadhaar card and your passport copy to operate both PayPal or Paytm wallets also. Publishers like Ingram pay through the PayPal app, but in most cases, your bank ac details are enough, with the IBAN and SWIFT Code if you are getting royalty in foreign currency into a foreign bank account. Tax forms must be filled and completed so that they can be verified, make sure all details are mentioned.
Your local bank IFSC code Sort code with bank details and branch address must be all filled into the systems for speedy payments to be made. Remember companies like withhold tax, you need to fill a separate form for that to get the withheld tax back. Some publishers like Penguin have a threshold after which they start giving you royalty it is Rs 4500 or so once your royalty crosses that amount, you get your first check. KDP pays you from day one the first dollar and the first payment is made after the first two months, you get paid for the pages read also .. Audible gives you your first royalty payment after you have made your first $50 of commission.
Amazon prime pays you royalty after the first hour of video is watched.