Along with my daily fitness regime that includes yoga mat exercises stomach crunches and dumbbells along with 10 miles of brisk walking, I have also added skin, body, and beauty treatment. Today I put on a see week face mask that I got from The Body Shop, I use a lot of their products including soaps, face creams, and other youth products like shampoos, conditioners, and oils. Check out my pictures with a face mask on that I use twice a week to cleanse the facial pores of my skin after a workout. After I have worked out a sweat I clean my skin which is great as my facial skin feels very soft and due to the exercise my pores have cleared.

I feel brighter and lighter by the day, I keep ruching on dry fruits if I feel hungry and that takes care of my diet during the day after the regular lunch and dinner.


With my green t-shirt, I look like the guy in the chainsaw massacre. I enjoy pampering my skin all day with yogurts and lotions from Body Shop and my fitness is helping me to shed my weight, ahh pure bliss. Now it is getting hotter by the day and I have just installed a new ac in my room which is keeping me cool and I feel relaxed throughout the day.