I was thrilled yesterday I for the first time hit the 16 km or the 10 miles brisk walk barrier. My grandmother was admitted to the Max Hospital which is on the outskirts of Rajpur road near the Mansi deer park. It is was a 16 km walk both ways. I stopped for an hour to see my grandmother and had some poha with sambhar. I then trudged back to my home at Inder Road the walk to the hospital was tough as it was on an incline the entire Rajpur Road was on an incline and it was 8km up the hill a steep walk. That really tested my stamina, I did stop over to sit on the many benches on either side of the road. But tugged on listening to the music and watching the traffic, either way, the entire walk was done in one go and I am proud of it. I did get a couple of blisters on two of my toes but it is not as bad now as it used to be when I first started walking. My toes have gotten sued to it as I have also completed my 100 days of starting my fat to fit health routine.

I did manage to get some shopping done on the way nuts, seeds mango papad, and also mixed grain flour. The two chapatis I have made from this new mixed grain flour are very nourishing and the roti comes out thick and very nutritious. I am going to use mixed grain flour from now on and binge on nuts along with grapes and cherries. My focus is on lentils and greens along with fish of all kinds. To add extra roughage I much on a corn cob in the afternoon, I make sure my walking is brisk so that I sweat and that shows on my t shit when I come back home. The idea is to increase the walking average by 1 kilometer at least month on month. My November average was 8.8 km, my December average was 9.8 km and my Jan average is 11 km. That takes care of my calories burning.

I have added mat exercises stomach crunches and dumbbells exercises which I do every day and sometimes even twice a day. I have been doing it for the last ten days and now I can do 30 stomach crunches without getting tired or exhausted, it’s all in the breathing. I manage three sets of 30 each dumbbell exercises along with light stretches on the mat. Dals yellow, black and rajma are my favorite, along with a bowl of curd or goat cheese with sardines or tuna.


I have dropped chicken, lamb, and mutton totally and do indulge in eggs once or twice a week but that too only boiled eggs. I have started having green tea twice or thrice a day as it is cold in the winter and the tea helps in soothing my throat and palate. No rice no potatoes and no sugar for me instead  I have honey.


I do also have two teaspoons of apple cider with water they say it helps in cutting fat and losing weight.