This monument, often called the Stonehenge of Georgia, is an extraordinary multi-pillared structure that depicts the fascinating history of Georgia. Created by the Georgian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, the monument is still unfinished.

The monument consists of 16 large columns that reach a height of 114 feet. The lower part of the pillars depicts the life of Jesus Christ, while the upper part of the columns shows the life and times of members of the Georgian royalty.

Exploring the Chronicle of Georgia

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There is also a small Orthodox church next to the monument, which was unfortunately closed for the day. However, the most fascinating aspect is that from the height of the monument, you can get a panoramic view of Tbilisi Sea and the surrounding suburbs. The monument is situated on top of a hill, and one has to climb many flights of stairs to get there.

Near the entrance, artists sell their paintings, and I bought one that depicts Tbilisi City. This painting will remind me of my visit to this remarkable monument.

Until then, enjoy the pictures…