Authors who emerge from initially doing personal diary writing and blog writing have a definite rawness about their writing and characters and a sense of naked realism about their writing . The more from the inner gut the words and the images come out the more hard hitting and raw the writings are .

I have seen that over the year of blog writing I have immersed into an author and at the same time used my writing as a personal therapy for my soul and mind . It is a way of cleaning left over emotions churning out the pent up emotion and negative thoughts and images from my mind .Feelings about myself and others in my life , dealing with mixed emotions , my writing had taken care of that and much more .Since I am alone and single my computer screen has been like a bouncing board .My pages are with whom I share my emotions and dealt with my thoughts . My writing is a reals of my emotions and suppressed feelings and helps as a great release for me . That was it acts as a inner shower our cleaning of rotten left over feelings some stored in the subconscious for year on end that I have not managed to deal with one way of the other .


In that way blog writing is like a personal shrink of sorts for me and I just let myself go , the idea is to be brutally honest to yourself and to others .   Truth in your words I paramount you don’t care who you hurt or not , one just writes to stay sane I guess .I loose myself in my writing bringing out the death of my emotions through words and sentences . The more I tap the greater the release of emotions and the garbage of the mind just gets a grand shower .


That way for me my laptop and my blog are my two best mates and act as my shrinks as well .Now having developed into a story writer that rawness adds freshness to what I write and a sense or realism in my work .

For me it is my meditation where I focus on something for a long period of time in a day with out getting distracted to any other task .I narrate as I see it , with no fluff my dialogues follow the same pattern the words are real and so are the situations .


So I would encourage all to get into blogging it is the next step from diary writing and you don’t need to spend money on shrinks or metal health doctors . Blogging is a self healing therapy for the mind and the soul , it will sort you out better than any shrink I tell you and I have seen a few in my life .One Shrink I went to all she wanted was to try and sell me her next self help book for Rs 250 , even before we started the session and then she just went on to talk as if she knew exactly what my problem was and how I should be counselled by her more often . The other Shrink went even further he did regression on me and even did an entire brain mapping of my brain , that made me even more insane along with the horrid medication that made me sleep for weeks on end and made me lethargic and drowsy , none could heal me . What I needed was writing and blogging my true emotions vented out as words as and when the feeling emerge  within me or in my mind .


Writing also aligns your thoughts and then become a kind or re affirmation . By writing down what you want , how you’re want to feel , what you want in your current life you are making affirmation to help manifest the very things into your life that your write or visualise about . In that ay blog writing is also about visualisation and affirmations . But it should be taken as a prayer and stuck to dedicatedly I can safely say not once did I need to seen shrinks in the last five years of doing blog writing .

On top of that  you can do it professionally it is an even greater boon .