When you begin to sell enough e books in a month say 50 each month , you will automatically develop a Customers also bought by list . These are authors your customers have also bought t books from .As sales and traffic to your amazon.com author page grows the algorithm begins to learn and for tends and patterns . Now you ahem a list of authors that your readers also buy from or read books of . You can intern t with these fellow authors by email and ask them to review your books and in return you will review theirs . Give them some publicity on your blog and let them spread the buzz about your books . May be do a few author interviews or post and excerpt from their book on your blog .
That way you will share. Large chunk of traffic of riders with similar tastes , and the positive reviews from fellow authors will further build your credibility and people will take your writings more seriously . You can also see the prices points at which these authors sell their books and select an appropriate competitive price for your books .It helps immensely while doing market pricing .