Goodreads Good-results

Well after you have authored a few books like I have , you need to figure out ways to promote your book online and offline . I have spoken for the need to get your book into physical book stores , and I have done that , also tried selling them though certain retail outlets like stationary shops and restaurants that my friends own . On the net one can sell though online outlets be part of KDP select program , build an author page on send mailers though your mail-chimp database , make promotional video’s and many such activities . I have done most of this in a scattered manner . Goodreads is a another such effort of mine , if one wants to promote their book Goodreads is the perfect site , here you can have your book on display to a huge database of book lovers . Goodreads is a platform for book lovers to share their reviews , discuss their titles , do giveaway to create buzz around their books , I approached a few book reviewers through Goodreads and got them. To review my book , some of them also send me free books of authors that they promote and I was able to read some new titles . I managed to get author interviews in prominent blogs and websites . Goodreads is a great community closely bonded and the platform is full of various functionalities .They have their own choice awards a huge list of genre to select from , expert recommendations and reviews , peppered with news and interviews with eminent authors .All you need to do is create. An account and load your book cover icon , price and links to the amazon page or pages of other online book stores that sell your book . Word of mouth amongst book lovers is a must and Goodreads can get you a few good author reviews that will get you a lot of credibility and at least initiate book sales of e books . If you create an audio book you can have links on Goodreads to the audible site . Unfortunately audible is not available for Indian users currently but should be soon just the way amazon prime is not available for resident Indians since they cannot pay royalty to Indian banks .

You can also scout for new release titles if you are in a mood to read and get more ideas it’s good to be on Goodreads and get a feel of the kind of content people are enjoying these days .You can crate discussion groups or threads , participate in trivia and quizzes. If needed people can also Ask questions to their favourite author . The community sustains itself and you can promote your book on good reads through sponsored posts .The list of Top 10 reviews on is available to you and you can follow them or send them your book to review .Most reviewers charge Rs 500 to Rs 1000 to review a book .You can make your new titles available to Goodreads through an ISBN search and keep an updates profile page with your pictures and interviews also .One can search for Book events in your city , their is along list of countries were you can find book events listing a great place to meet book authors and book lovers .

So my verdict Goodreads leads to Good-results.